姓名BWitched 别名暂无
国籍德国 出生地
语言英语 德语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


“我们希望给人们的生活带来快乐, 而不是做一个冷冰冰的明星。”1998年的春天 B*witched如是说。仅两年后, 她们深具传染性的爱尔兰音乐就使全世界为她们痴狂。 女孩们已不只是明星,超级巨星已然诞生!来自都柏林的女孩组合B*witched 是由双胞胎姐妹Edele和 Keavy Lvnch,Sinead OCarroll及 Lindsay Armaou组成。“我们来自音乐世家,”Edele和Keavy说, “我们的祖父是个小提琴家,而我们随时可以即兴唱歌和跳舞。 在很小的时候,我们就已经演唱自己的歌曲了。 当我们长大后,我们成为艺术家的梦想源于看了很多的现实主义艺术。”Sinead从七岁起就学习钢琴和跳舞,并参加演出。一个早晨, 她走进了都柏林的一个停车厂,而Keavy正在那里兼职做机械工,两个女孩立即成为了好朋友。Lindsay同样是一个多才多艺的音乐家,她七岁开始学习钢琴,十三岁开始学习吉他。她与Keavy偶遇于一个散打课堂,这样, B*Witched 产生了!受到双胞胎的哥哥SHANE(BOYZONE的成员之一)的鼓励, 女孩们搬到悉尼并开始 歌曲创作。Edele说, “所有的素材都来自我们的生活体验,而我们极为热爱生活!” 在一次舞蹈纪录片中的表演使姑娘们引起了一个经理的注意。正是这样B*witched的魅力打动了这家唱片公司。 她们的首支单曲“Cest La Vie”打入英国排行榜第一名, 使她们成为历史上创造此成绩的最年轻的女子组合。 在此后她们不断创造记录:她们的单曲“ROLLERCOASTER”“TO YOU I BELONG”和“BLAME IT ON THE WEATHERMAN”不止为他们赢得成千上万的欧洲歌迷, 还使她们成为第一个专集中四首单曲都占据排行榜第一名的组合。 她们的首张专集B*witched为她们在英国赢得三白金,在世界销量达三百万张。1999年女孩们录制了她们的第二张专集并到Cest La Vie 取得前十名及B*witched取得白金的地方,女孩与N-SYNC和98。完成了巡演。'We're more interested in bringing joy into people's lives than becoming incredibly famous,' said B*Witched back in the spring of 1998. Almost two years later and the whole world has been jigging to their infectious Irish-influenced pop. And the girls are not only incredibly famous, they're superstars!Hailing from Dublin, B*Witched are twin sisters Edele and Keavy Lynch, Sinead O'Carroll and Lindsay Armaou.'We come from a musical family,' say Edele and Keavy. 'Our granddad played the fiddle, so we never needed much of an excuse to dance and sing. From an early age, we performed our own songs. As we got older, our dream of becoming performers started looking more realistic.'A few simple twists of fate brought B*Witched together.Sinead played the piano from the age of seven and also studied dance and performance. One morning, she wandered into the Dublin garage where Keavy was a part-time mechanic and the two girls became instant friends. Lindsay, too, was an accomplished musician. She learned the piano at seven and the guitar at 13. She met up with Keavy at a kick-boxing class and, bingo, B*Witched were born!Inspired by the twins' brother Shane (a member of Boyzone), the girls moved into Sinead's flat where they started writing songs. Says Edele, 'All the stuff we write is based on our own experience, and we believe in enjoying life to the max!'An appearance on a documentary about the dance studios in which they rehearsed brought them to the attention of a manager. And it was only a matter of time till a record company was also won over by B*Witched's charms.Their first UK single, 'C'est La Vie' went into the UK charts at number one, making them the youngest girl group ever to do so. Soon breaking records became as natural as performing: their singles 'Rollercoaster', 'To You I Belong' and 'Blame It On The Weatherman' not only won them millions of fans across Europe, but also made them the first ever act to have their first four singles go straight in the charts at number one. Their debut album, 'B*Witched, went triple platinum in the UK and has sold 3 million copies worldwide.The girls have spent 1999 recording their second album and charming the States where 'C'est La Vie' went top ten and 'B*Witched' platinum. The girls have also completed two sell-out tours with N-Sync and 98?'We don't really think about limits,' says Keavy. 'We're just busy enjoying the ride at the moment. We totally believe in the power of pop music to raise people's spirits. If our music can do that, then we're achieving our ambition.'The B*Witched story continues with the release of their fifth single, 'Jesse Hold On'.