他们是来自意大利的新古典乐团——Ashram,乐团的成员只有三个人 Luigi Rubino (piano),Sergio Panarella (vocals) 以及Argine的成员Alfredo Notarlobert (violin)。Ashram----意思是"乡间供沉思的小屋"。此外,Alfredo同时也是Argine乐队的小提琴手。 正是因为这点,Ashram有着同Argine一样忧伤美丽的小提琴。Ashram的音乐是极简的,大多数时候,只有古典钢琴和小提琴的伴奏,少许的曲目会加入一些大提琴和男低音。 他们的另外一个特点是Sergio的十分特别的高音。Ashram的作品有个特点,就是歌词都非常的短小简约,有的只有3、4行而已, 这也说明了他们把作品精神更多的赋予了歌曲的旋律本身。言归正传,这只乐队的名气不算特别响,和同样身为Darkwave的那些大牌们相比,可以说是名不经传,但我反而更欣赏这只新古典的乐队,厌烦Black Tape For a Blue Girl的枯燥乏味,Elend那样的压抑透不出气,Arcana所有专集似乎也都一个调调。而Ashram似乎天生就不具备什么霸气,那么的唯美,忧伤和纯净,通过钢琴,小提琴和一个相当厚实的男主音,似乎不需要太多花哨的东西,就能直击你心灵最柔软的地方意大利的新古典团体Ashram在近几年可谓是迷倒无数阴暗派乐迷,通过01年的EP《For My Sun》和次年的同名专辑《Ashram》,他们也彻底打响了在全世界范围内的知名度。乐队的配置很简单,一架钢琴(Luigi Rubino)、一把小提琴(Alfredo Notarlobert)和一个充满忧郁感的男声(Sergio Panarella)。他们的音乐也主要是构建在这两种乐器上的,纯净、优美却又不时透露出让人哀怨的忧郁...偶尔附以的大提琴和原声吉他亦让人体会到一种大气磅礴背后的凝重。Ashram的音乐有一种很强的连贯性和连续性,听他们的专辑就像是在听一场音乐会,乐器通篇演奏,人声忽隐忽现,阴柔交织...当你心情好的时候,你会觉得这种音乐是多么的甜美,人生如此幸福,而当你情绪低落时,它更是你疗伤的工具,Ashram就是有这种魅力......The embryo of the band was formed in June ‘97 when Sergio Panarella and Luigi Rubino first started collecting ideas for the project that would later be known as Ashram. While undergoing the writing process of their first ever release, the duo invited Alfredo Notarloberti, the notorious napolitan violinist, to take their side in this ambitious project. With the line-up complete, the band recorded eleven songs out of which seven were selected and included on the demo “For My Sun”, self-released in May’99. The remarkable energy and empathy between these musicians granted them an appearance as the opening track on Energeia’s compilation “Intimations of Immortality Vol. 5” with the song “Spirit of the Rising Moon”, and drew some media attention to this emmerging band. Shortly after, Ashram signs with the French label Prikosnovenie.In 2001, the line-up is expanded as Leonardo Massa joins the group on cello, thus completing the ensemble that would participate in the recording of the critically acclaimed debut self-titled album released in the following year. This new release was followed by intense live activity, as the band performed innumerous shows in Italy and even a couple of tours in Portugal. In 2006 they’ve released their second full-length album “Shining Silver Skies”.