姓名Three Days Grace 别名暂无
国籍加拿大 出生地加拿大
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


1997年,主唱兼吉他手亚当·宫蒂尔(Adam Gontier),贝斯手布拉德·瓦尔斯特(Brad Walst)和鼓手尼尔·桑德森(Neil Sanderson)在加拿大安大略的Norwood组建了Three Days Grace乐队。乐队的三位成员幼年时期都是十足的朋克迷,这也对Three Days Grace乐队此后的音乐风格有了一定的影响。
Three Days Grace的前身是Groundswell,早在1992年就已经成立。Groundswell一直都是五人阵容,直到1997年Three Days Grace成军才改为现在的三人。乐队主唱Adam Gontier和贝斯手Brad Walst都是土生土长的Norwood人,而且乐队早期的很多歌曲都是在这个人口仅有1500人的小城创作的。在Three Days Grace的三位成员还上中学的时候,他们就已经开始举办正式演出了,而且勤奋的Three Days Grace一直到处寻找一切可以演出的机会。
在小有名气之后,Three Days Grace乐队选择到大城市多伦多发展。在乐队前经纪人的引荐之下,Three Days Grace开始与新经纪人加文·布朗(Gavin Brown)合作。Gavin Brown给予了Three Days Grace很大的帮助,他不仅为乐队在音乐上的发展方向掌舵,而且还亲自参与到Three Days Grace一些歌曲的创作当中。Three Days Grace为EMI公司加拿大分部录制了一张Demo。在Gavin Brown的协助之下,Three Days Grace录制了乐队的主打单曲《(I Hate) Everything About You》,正是这支单曲为Three Days Grace赢得了EMI公司的一纸合约。在得到公司老总赏识之后,Three Days Grace乐队很快就与Jive公司签了约。
在与Jive签约之后,Gavin Brown和Three Days Grace一起被公司安排到了波士顿的一个录音室中来准备乐队的首张专辑。最终,Three Days Grace在纽约的Woodstock完成了乐队的首张同名专辑《Three Days Grace》。从这张专辑可以看出Three Days Grace受Kyuss以及Sunny Day Real Estate的影响比较大。2003年7月22日,这张《Three Days Grace》终于正式发行。这时,Three Days Grace的首支单曲《(I Hate) Everything About You》已经在加拿大另类音乐电台拥有了极高的点播率。在这张专辑发行之后的两年中,Three Days Grace几乎一直都在巡演,有暖场的,同样也有主打的。然而,持续的巡演生活使Three Days Grace,尤其是主唱Adam Gontier感到很枯燥。因此,Three Days Grace又重新回到了家乡安大略的郊区来寻找灵感。
在经过一年多的紧张准备之后,Three Days Grace的第二张专辑《One - X》终于在2006年6月面世,发行首周的销量为7万8千张,排在Billboard 200专辑榜的第六位。而这张专辑同时还是乐队的第二位吉他手巴里·斯托克(Barry Stock)首次参与Three Days Grace专辑的录制。今年夏天,为了宣传这张《One - X》,Three Days Grace将和Staind,Hoobastank以及同样来自加拿大的Nickelback一共举办巡演。
by Michael Sutton
The members of Three Days Grace began bashing punk chords when they were in their teens, carving a derivative yet energetic sound that fueled their live performances. Three Days Grace was formed in Norwood, Ontario, Canada, in 1997 by Adam Gontier (vocals, guitar), Brad Walst (bass), and Neil Sanderson (drums). The group was originally called Groundswell, a five-piece that lasted from 1992 until transforming to a trio five years later. Gontier and Walst were raised in Norwood, and many of their songs were inspired by living in a place with a population of around 1,500. The bandmembers were still in high school when they had their first gig, and they performed anywhere that would accept them -- including opening for a movie.
Three Days Grace eventually relocated to Toronto and were introduced to producer Gavin Brown by their old manager. The band gave Brown a private set, and he selected what he felt were the most promising tracks. The group then produced a demo for EMI Music Publishing Canada. With Brown at the helm, Three Days Grace recorded "(I Hate) Everything About You." The tune got them a publishing deal with EMI, and they soon were signed to Jive after being courted by the company's president. Brown and Three Days Grace were sent to a studio in Boston, MA, to start the group's debut album. The band completed its self-titled full-length in Woodstock, NY, at an isolated location free from big-city distractions. Heavily influenced by Kyuss and Sunny Day Real Estate, the dark, angst-ridden tales of small-town love and hate on Three Days Grace brought the group a Next Big Thing tag.
Three Days Grace was released on July 22, 2003, by which time "(I Hate) Everything About You" was already hit on alternative radio stations in Canada. The band toured extensively behind the record for the next two years as both a support act and headliners, but after a while, life on the road left the band, especially Gontier, feeling isolated and alone. Consequently, this theme of disconnection -- coupled with the realization that one was in fact not alone -- would serve as the basis for their follow-up album. Getting back to their roots by writing the record in the Ontario countryside, One-X was released in June 2006. The album, which hit number five on the Billboard Top 200, marked the recorded debut of the band's second guitarist, Barry Stock. Three Days Grace supported One-X through the summer on dates alongside Staind, Hoobastank, and Nickelback, while "Animal I Have Become" became a number one modern rock hit.