Flunk这队一女二男组合印象颇深刻,因为他们的成名作,正是以电子民歌手法重玩New Order的83年经典Blue Monday,一个挺不俗的动听诠释。 Morning Star是Flunk继For Sleepyheads Only后的第二张专辑,这次不但在去年秋天移师至法国巴黎灌录,而录音地点,更是Hotel de Roubaix的酒店房间! 在主题曲Morning Star里,Anja Oyen Vister的凄美主唱(声音象Bjork)、Ulf Nygaad的迷魂Dubby电子曲式、Jo Bakke的简朴结他,Flunk的声音仍是如斯迷人美好。先行单曲On My Balcony来得轻松清爽,一首甚讨好的夏日情怀小品流行曲(虽然现在并非时令之选)。某方面而言,这次他们来得较接近一支Indie-Pop乐队的气质(主要是Jo的结他弹奏较凸出),而相对地减低了Electronica的成分。 Everything Is Ending Here的爵士底蕴俨如一份糜烂的城市夜生活情怀。新尝试,是I\\'ve Been Waiting All My Life To Leave You的懒洋洋Country风情。 上次改编New Order,今次则重玩了英国殿堂乐队The Kinks的1964年名曲All Day And All Of The Night,由Anja与Ulf合唱,而Flunk竟前所未有地Funky起来。 The Norwegian folktronica foursome Flunk was formed out of the studio jam sessions of a trio of Oslo musicians: producer Ulf Nygaard (also of Folk and Rovere), guitarist Jo Bakke (formerly with the Happy Campers), and drummer Erik Ruud (a member of the Guidance-label act Antenna). After adding vocalist Anja Oyen Vister, Flunk recorded their debut album, For Sleepyheads Only, and released the record through Guidance. A folkie cover of New Order's "Blue Monday" made a bit of headway in the downbeat boom of 2002.