Slow and Bucks, creators of the clothing line Slowbucks, are liquidating their hustle into music with the collective, SBOE (Slow Bucks Over Everything). Yes, that is Santana rocking the Dumb Donald ski-mask.Times are changing and hip hop is right there in the midst of it. For the longest time, many of hip hop’s biggest names have known Slowbucks and rocked their gear. Now, the regular hip hop fans get to know them, but they know them as SBOE, the rap group fresh off the release of All We Got Is Us 2.
SBOE is hot right now and they have amassed plenty of views for their “This Shit Is Lit” music video. The camp also has co-signs from some of the biggest names in the hip hop game. Among the many people who are supporting SBOE includes Fabolous and Meek Mill.
Early last month, Hip Hop Vibe’s DJ Louie Styles visited SBOE at their headquarters, located in Queens. There, they discussed the then-new, “This Shit Is Lit” music video and their co-signs from Fabolous and Meek Mill. Once again, Heavy Dedication TV ensured this video finally coming out.