Driftmoon is Miikka Leinonen, Juraj Klicka and David Sherlock, a team of dedicated electronic dance music producers, set on a mission to truly redefine the electronic dance music scene through emotive melodies, uplifting chords and banging club mixes. In November 2013 David Sherlock left the group. Driftmoon is made up of Juraj and Miikka, a pair who first met online after 10 years of producing their own material, soon came to realise they shared a passion for the true ethos of trance music and from then, it was a natural progression into the world of artistry as their creative formulas combined and the seductive sound of Driftmoon was born.
Their sound is a fusion of modern trance in the driving pure form mixed with orchestral melodic themes that takes the listener into other realms from the past and future via the present. It is in many ways but warm and rich with earthy vibes in others, using the traditional instruments of violin, flute, ethnic vocals and choirs.