Lyfe Jennings相似歌手

姓名Lyfe Jennings 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地Toledo, Ohio, United States
语言英语 性别
生日1973-06-03 星座双子座
身高193cm 体重


lyfe jennings,美国R&B歌手,曾因纵火罪被判入狱长达10年,在狱中形成了朴实的歌唱风格,已发行3部专辑,都取得了不错的销量。美国R&B歌手,Lyfe Jennings的家乡在美国俄亥俄州的Toledo地区,他曾因纵火罪被判入狱长达10年。正是在狱中的这段时间,Lyfe Jennings才形成了他现在这种朴实的歌场风 格。在Lyfe Jennings很小的时候,他就参加了家乡当地教堂的合唱团。之后,Lyfe Jennings和他的哥哥以及他的几位堂兄一起成立了The Dotsons组合。据Lyfe Jennings本人称,坐牢的经历使他的音乐更加的内省。而当他在牢房中听到Erykah Badu的经典专辑《Baduizm》时,他完全被其中动人的音乐所打动。Lyfe Jennings开始决心要好好的作他自己的音乐。2002年12月,在被释放仅仅两天之后,Lyfe Jennings就录制好了一张装有四首歌的Demo唱片。那天之后,Lyfe Jennings开始在一家俱乐部中演出。当Lyfe Jennings刚刚来到著名的Apollo俱乐部的时候,只拿了一把木吉他的他起初遭到了歌迷的嘘声,但当Jennings开唱以后,在场的歌迷都被他略带沙哑的嗓音和感人的歌词所吸引。大受欢迎的Lyfe Jennings在Apollo一连演了五个晚上。据Lyfe Jennings本人透露,他在Apollo俱乐部驻唱期间,他那张录了四首歌的Demo CD一共又卖出了1000多张。之后,Lyfe Jennings来到了纽约发展,开始寻求与唱片公司签定正式的合约,而最终Columbia公司在激烈的竞争中抢得先机。Lyfe Jennings的首张正式专辑《Lyfe 268-192》在Columbia公司正式发行,而专辑名Lyfe 268-192正是他在服刑期间的号码。2004年8月,《Lyfe 268-192》在面世了一年之后再版发行,其中加收了一首全新版本的歌曲《Hypothetically》以及美国偶像大赛冠军Fantasia演唱的一首歌曲。2006年8月,Lyfe Jennings的第二张个人专辑《The Phoenix》出炉,其中有Young Buck和Three 6 Mafia的客串演出。《The Phoenix》以13万6千张的首周销量获得了Billboard 200专辑榜的亚军,创造了Lyfe Jennings在Billboard 200专辑榜中的最好成绩.Not that he'd wish it on anyone, but it was during his ten-year sentence in prison that Lyfe Jennings developed his honest sound, thanks to isolation and Erykah Badu. It was an arson charge that put the Toledo, OH, native in prison. His musical aspirations started in the church choir and grew in the Dotsons, a teenaged group that Lyfe formed with his brother and a couple cousins. Prison made his music deeper, according to Lyfe, and when a copy of Erykah Badu's Baduizm ended up in his cell in 1997, he was inspired and had the feeling that this introspective edge to his music was worth developing. Two days after his December 2002 release from prison, he was recording a four-song demo CD. The day after that, he was performing live in a club. He only had a month of freedom before he was on-stage at the famous Apollo. He was booed when he walked on-stage with an acoustic guitar, but when the Apollo audience heard his gritty falsetto and lyrical songwriting, they were swayed -- swayed to the tune of five amateur-night victories in a row. Lyfe figures he sold a thousand copies of his four-song demo CD during his Apollo "residency." That, along with a ton of calls from promoters and record label execs on his answering machine back in Ohio, influenced Lyfe to move to New York City and pursue a major-label deal. Columbia had the right offer and released his debut, Lyfe 268-192 (his inmate number), in August of 2004. A year after its original release, the album was reissued with a new version of "Hypothetically" featuring American Idol winner Fantasia added as a bonus track. The more hip-hop-oriented follow-up, The Phoenix, arrived in 2006, with Three 6 Mafia and Young Buck making guest appearances. Lyfe Change, released two years later, featured a handful of new production associates, as well as a verse from T.I.