姓名Biff Gore 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Biff Gore, 45, of Denver, Colo., sang “A Change is Gonna Come.” The big voice prompted Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Shakira to turn around in rapid succession. His soulful performance seemed to get stronger and stronger, prompting Usher to turn around as well. Biff finished the audition with a leg kick, then decided to join Team Usher.

Biff Gore turned all four chairs on The Voice with her Season 6 audition. He decided to join Team Usher. (NBC Photo)
Biff Gore turned all four chairs on The Voice with his Season 6 audition. He decided to join Team Usher,His background: Biff is worship leader at a church in Denver and also runs a small organ and tissues transplant foundation where he works with potential donors and recipients. He has five children and, at the time of the Voice audition, his wife was pregnant with child number six. He says his style is very soulful. “I call it life music. Music that just reaches out and grabs you.” During the Gulf War, both he and his brother were in the military, and Biff says his brother kept him out of harm’s way.