姓名Meytal Cohen 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


You're probably here cause you wanna know who I am, where I come from and how is it that I am the way that I am. Well, no good answer for that one. but let's give it a try.

My name is Meytal Cohen. pretty common Israeli name that also just happens to sound like my favorite style of music. coincidence? I think not. :) so yes, I'm from Israel, I'm the youngest of 7. I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers and they are all lawyers and doctors. my dad died when I was in second grade, when a drunk driver crashed while he was standing on the sidewalk. my mom successfully raised us all by herself. I started playing drums at about 18 years old, despite the conventional, "you're making noise, you're wasting time, you're spending money, and this will never mount to anything" sorta thing. lol

At 18 years old I was drafted to the Israeli Defense Force, (it's mandatory) and I served for 2 years. a lot of you are asking about it, so I'll answer some common questions. can you shoot a gun? yes. can you kick my ass? most probably. did you like it? I did meet some of the best friends I'll ever have, but as a whole, I'm looking forward to world peace, and I love all living things.

At age 21 I moved to LA to pursue a drumming career. I attended the LA Music Academy. while in school I managed to break my back in a car accident. I broke three vertebras, and had to wear a back brace for a half a year. I returned to Israel for the healing process, and returned to LA within a year and graduated. After school, it wasn't easy, like it never really is for a musician trying to make a living at it. I did some small tours and some ridiculous gigs while I was practicing most of the time just by myself playing to my favorite tunes.

My first big youtube hit was the toxicity electric violin version, which was actually an audition tape to America's Got Talent. the show didn't think much of us but the video was a youtube hit. as a result I decided to continue uploading youtube videos, which I did. today I have over 45mil youtube views and over 220k facebook followers. I'm very lucky and blessed to have you reading this right now, I owe you big time, for caring sharing and supporting what i do. THANK YOU!

Many amazing things have happened and are planned to happen in the very near future. recordings, tours and clinics around the world. I'm also currently working on producing original music and I can't wait for you to check it out!! I'd love for you to come say hi on one of the upcoming tours or clinics, and if you can't make it, there's always twitter or facebook! :) Love you. Meytal