Trick Trick出生于美国犯罪率最高的城市底特律,本名Christian Mathis的Trick-Trick,自小受到担任爵士女伶Alberta Adams幕后合音的母亲影响,Trick-Trick爱上音乐,在家沉浸于福音/灵魂/放克等乐种洗礼,Phil Collins及George Clinton是陪伴幼年时期的最爱,接着受到同侪影响,Public Enemy、NWA、Run DMC等嘻哈/饶舌经典团成为Trick-Trick每天必听的音乐。受到父亲抛弃,Trick-Trick为求生存,进入帮派成了街头混混,因涉及一起谋杀案而被判入狱,数月后,却又被无罪开释,经过这次打击,Trick-Trick深思熟虑决定投效仍保有长才的音乐领域。1995年在独立厂发行的单曲“Booty Bounce”,获得当地电台冠军宝座,销售量更是超过40万纪录,接着陆续发行多张掀起地下嘻哈迷们欢迎之作品。 Christian Mathis, better known by his stage name Trick-Trick, is an American rap artist. He is known for his work with Eminem on his single "Welcome 2 Detroit".With the release of the album The Villian Trick-Trick has gained attention with homophobic remarks. Trick Trick is quoted in an interview with AllHipHop.com: "I'ma go on the record right now with this. Homosexuals are probably not gonna like this album. I don't want your faggot money any g**d*** way. I don't like it [homosexuality]. Carry that sh*t somewhere else. It's just that every time that you turn on the TV, that sissy sh*t is on...and they act like its f**king okay. The world is changing for the worst (sic) when sh*t like that happens. And I address that issue. I address it hard as hell