姓名Jordy 别名暂无
国籍法国 出生地Caen, France
语言英语 法语 性别
生日1988-01-14 星座魔羯座
身高 体重


也许你难以相信,这位年仅5岁的法国小男孩,首支单曲"Dur Dur d etre bebe!"不但在本地掀起一阵狂热,在全球各地也同样威力难挡,从冰岛到澳洲,从美国到东南亚,全球大小舞厅争相播放,蔚为风潮。 还以横扫千军的气势夺得法、西班牙、意大利、希腊、瑞士、比利时、墨西哥的冠军宝座,更甚的是在法、西二地更蝉联冠军达13、14周之久! "Jordy"首张专辑"Pochette Surprise"在全世界各地正以天真无邪的舞步狂潮,何以小小年纪就能在世界各地造成如此的轰动呢?当然有其原因所在,因Jordy的父亲是法国当地著名的音乐制作人,而母亲又是电台DJ,在此先天及后天的优势影响下,使得音乐艺术的因子早已深植于Jordy身上,才能在五岁时便能对音乐之旋律特别敏锐,不仅能随音乐即兴敲打节奏,更能不时加入一些灵感的创意。红遍全球的法国小童星Jordy,曾经带着首张专辑“Dur Dur D’etre Bebe”来华宣传,首支同名单曲不但在本地掀起一阵狂热,在全球各地也同样威力难挡,从冰岛到澳洲,从美国到东南亚,全球大小舞厅争相播放,蔚为风潮。随着第一张专辑的轰动,Jordy更将原曲翻唱为英文重新发行,而美国好莱坞电影《看谁在说话第三集-看谁正在说话》制作捃,也纲拥他为原声带演唱主题曲,1993年底Jordy乘胜追声,推出这张以舞曲为主“Potion Magipque”,专辑内6支单曲,曲曲轻快动听,比第一张有过之无不及,尤其“Love Love Dance”,将House舞曲结合Techo、Reggae、Rock,并以自说自唱方式将之串聊,听来令人忍不住莞尔微笑,堪称1993年最异趣横生的舞曲佳作。The youngest performer ever to have a number one record anywhere in the world, Jordy topped the charts in his native France when he was just four and a half years old. His dancefloor hit "Dur Dur D'Être Bébé" (translated approximately as "It's Tough to Be a Baby") also made him the youngest ever to reach the charts in the U.S., though the novelty of hearing a preschooler chanting French lyrics wasn't quite as broadly appealing to American ears. Jordy was born Jordy Lemoine on January 14, 1988, in the town of Caen, in France's Brittany region. His parents were Claude Lemoine, a record producer best known in France for his work with the glam-influenced Rockets, and Patricia Clerget, a songwriter and former singer who'd released a couple of records in the early '80s. By the time he was a toddler, Jordy was already singing along with records of classic French chansonniers, and his performances became a popular gimmick at his parents' parties. Soon they hit upon the idea of turning Jordy into a commercial recording artist.Jordy's performance abilities impressed executives at Columbia Records, which released Jordy's debut single, "Dur Dur D'Être Bébé," in 1992. It rocketed to the top of the French charts and sold over two million copies on its way to becoming a hit across Europe and Japan. The album Pochette Surprise (Surprise Package) followed on its heels, and it too sold well, despite a bit of padding with remixes. Released in the U.S., "Dur Dur D'Être Bébé" didn't fare quite as well, but it did manage to chart, topping out at number 58. Jordy spent parts of 1993-1994 in the U.S., recording some of the material that became his second album, Potion Magique. Released in 1994, it was heavy on Christmas material, including his title song for the French film Allo Maman, C'est Noël.However, reports were beginning to surface that suggested a lapse in parental responsibilities; amid some more disturbing allegations, the French government -- concerned that Jordy was simply being exploited for commercial gain -- stepped in and banned his music from radio and television for his own good. Under the ban, his third album, La Récréation, sank without a trace. In 1996, his parents opened a children's tourist attraction called La Ferme de Jordy (Jordy's Farm). It was an unmitigated financial failure, and when it closed down, Jordy's parents divorced. Jordy was legally emancipated and spent the remainder of his teen years living on a farm near Caen, where he studied dance and drumming; he also developed a fondness for techno, and was rumored to be attempting an acting career.