姓名Serge Gainsbourg 别名暂无
国籍法国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


统治法语乐坛的教父-Serge Gainsbourg (塞尔日.甘斯布)
Serge Gainsbourg 统治了法语乐坛二十年,在91年去世之前,他一直是法国人生活的标志,他幽默,他放荡,他不羁,他浪漫,他反叛,他是整个八十年代的缩影。 无法概括他的伟大,同样也无法概括他的音乐,Chanson,Jazz,Rock,Funk,Reggae几乎所有的曲风他都信手拈来,玩的独到。更何况他不仅仅是歌手,还是作曲,作词,导演,演员,甚至画家,诗人,他仿佛有数个生命,重新剪接,随意展现,让所有的人同他一起游戏时代。
serge Gainsboug原名Lucien juif askenaze,父亲是流亡法国的俄国音乐家,从小学习古典钢琴,在一次偶然的机会遇见当时红歌手Fréhel后,他把对音乐的兴趣转向了传统的法语Chanson。
战后,凭着对绘画的爱好,年轻的serge 考入巴黎美术学院,在那里他遇见了第一任妻子Elisabeth Levitsky。同时,对音乐的爱好依然不减,他不断的作曲、投稿,竟然有两支曲子被当时的红歌手采用,Pia Colombo 唱了Défense d"afficher,还有被Juliette Greco 唱过的 Les amours perdues,渐起的名气带来了创作的热情,也带来了美女的殷勤,却也导致了第一次婚姻的失败。 或许就是这次爱情的变动,改变了Lucien, 无法理解的他烧毁了自己的所有作品,离开了画廊,永远的告别了绘画。 也就是那时,他把自己的名字改成了Serge Gainsbourg,以纪念他崇拜的英国肖像画家Gainsborough。
在巴黎的Milord l"arsouille酒馆做钢琴手时,Serge被Philips公司发现,签约不久后推出他的第一张专辑,当年就获得Charles Cros年度最佳作曲奖,预示着未来将获得的巨大成功。59年最具有电影情节的故事发生在他和性感的BB(毕姬·巴铎)之间,在新浪潮导演Michel Boisrond 的 Voulez-vous danser avec moi (你会与我共舞吗?)的拍摄期间,两人的感情若隐若现,纠缠不清,Serge的魅力对于任何女人都会发生作用。
前几张专辑制作过程中,Serge已经接触到了当时乐坛的众多大碗,频繁的作为嘉宾出现在演唱会上,逐渐作为歌手走向前台。终于在63年推出了自己第一张专辑la Javanaise,并受到圈内的好评,继而在64年举办了自己第一场个人演唱会,Serge的歌手身份正式确立了。64年后第二次婚姻后,Serge 的作曲风格已趋向多元化,Jazz,ragge都是他吸收的音乐元素。
法国黄金时代的标志Yeye带来了无数的新人,流行和摇滚风潮般的改变着传统Chanson,Gainsbourg也立刻加入到其中,65年的奇迹就是他捧红了年仅16岁的France Gall, 那首Poupee de cire, poupee de son 也成为了标志Yeye时代的经典Pop Chanson。之后的合作几乎纠缠上了当时所有的法国女歌手,Regine,Dalida, Petula Clerk, BarBara, 最后又回到了可爱的BB。这段时间BB和Gainsbourg如胶似漆,两人三个月的恋情诞生了那首著名的《Je t"aime, moi non plus》。据传说创作这首歌时BB撒娇,要求他要为她写出世界上最美的情歌,而Serge就在喝得烂醉如泥的状态下,三两下就写出这首只有简短重覆床上对话和模仿女性高潮呻吟的作品。这首歌由于歌词太露骨,直到68年才得以出版,而BB和Gainsbourg早已分道扬镳。1976年Serge把这首在美国都被禁播的曲子改成了自己导演第一部电影,情节同样露骨,讲述了一个男同性恋与一个tomboy女孩短暂的恋情。影片公映后引起很大争议,不过著名新浪潮导演Truffaut(特鲁福)却为他击节交好,认为是Gainsbourg最出色的作品。
不用担心Gainsbourg身边缺少女人,第三任妻子Jane Birkin,马上走进他的生活,虽然他们的爱情最后仍以离婚为解决,但无疑两人保持至死的友谊对后来的Gainsbourg影响颇大,上面提到的那部Je t'aime ,moi non plus 就是 Jane主演的。当然,最大的成果还是他们那个已经成为现在法国影坛当红影星的女儿 Chalotte Gainsbourg。两人持久的感情带来了Gainsbourg创作的又一个高潮,他的形象也确定成了上面照片里的样子,年轻人把他奉作神明,骨子里的反叛和不羁让他成为Yeye的领袖。除了帮妻子Jane 出的《Di Doo Dah》等一系列专辑,他还给Marianne Faithful、Dionne Warwick、Nana、Dalida、Anna Karina(阿纳.卡丽纳,新浪潮导演Godard的第二任妻子)、Francoise Hardy、Catherine deneuve(凯瑟琳·丹妮芙)、isabelle adjani(伊莎贝尔·阿佳妮)、Vanessa Paradis(瓦内萨.巴哈第,Jonny Dep的妻子) 等影星歌星作词作曲,Jacques DUTRONC,Alain Bashung 等男歌手也是他的合作伙伴,可以说整个时代完全就在Gainsbourg的影响之下。
by Jason Ankeny
Serge Gainsbourg was the dirty old man of popular music; a French singer/songwriter and provocateur notorious for his voracious appetite for alcohol, cigarettes, and women, his scandalous, taboo-shattering output made him a legend in Europe but only a cult figure in America, where his lone hit Je TAime...Moi Non Plus stalled on the pop charts — fittingly enough — at number 69.
Born Lucien Ginzberg in Paris on April 2, 1928, his parents were Russian Jews who fled to France following the events of the 1917 Bolshevik uprising. After studying art and teaching, he turned to painting before working as a bar pianist on the local cabaret circuit. Soon he was tapped to join the cast of the musical Milord LArsoille, where he reluctantly assumed a singing role; self-conscious about his rather homely appearance, Gainsbourg initially wanted only to carve out a niche as a composer and producer, not as a performer.
Still, he made his recording debut in 1958 with the album Du Chant a la Une; while strong efforts like 1961s LEtonnant Serge Gainsbourg and 1964s Gainsbourg Confidentiel followed, his jazz-inflected solo work performed poorly on the charts, although compositions for vocalists ranging from Petula Clark to Juliette Greco to Dionne Warwick proved much more successful. In the late 60s, he befriended the actress Brigitte Bardot, and later became her lover; with Bardot as his muse, Gainsbourgs lushly arranged music suddenly became erotic and delirious, and together, they performed a series of duets — including Bonnie and Clyde, Harley Davidson, and Comic Strip — celebrating pop culture icons.
Gainsbourgs affair with Bardot was brief, but its effects were irrevocable: after he became involved with constant companion Jane Birkin, they recorded the 1969 duet Je TAime...Moi Non Plus, a song he originally penned for Bardot complete with steamy lyrics and explicit heavy breathing. Although banned in many corners of the globe, it reached the top of the charts throughout Europe, and grew in stature to become an underground classic later covered by performers ranging from Donna Summer to Ray Conniff.
Gainsbourg returned in 1971 with Histoire de Melody Nelson, a dark, complex song cycle which signalled his increasing alienation from modern culture: drugs, disease, suicide and misanthropy became thematic fixtures of his work, which grew more esoteric, inflammatory, and outrageous with each passing release. Although Gainsbourg never again reached the commercial success of his late-60s peak, he remained an imposing and controversial figure throughout Europe, where he was both vilified and celebrated for his shocking behavior, which included burning 500 francs on a live television broadcast and recording a reggae version of the sacred La Marseillaise.
Gainsbourg also created a furor with the single Lemon Incest, a duet with his daughter, the actress Charlotte Gainsbourg. In addition, he posed in drag for the cover of 1984s Love on the Beat, a collection of songs about male hustlers, and made sexual advances towards Whitney Houston on a live TV broadcast. Along with his pop music oeuvre, Gainsbourg scored a number of films, and also directed and appeared in a handful of features, most notably 1976s Je TAime...Moi Non Plus, which starred Birkin and Andy Warhol mainstay Joe Dallesandro. He died on March 2, 1991.