Dmitri Shostakovich相似歌手

姓名Dmitri Shostakovich 别名暂无
国籍俄罗斯 出生地圣彼得堡
语言纯音乐 性别
生日1906-09-25 星座天秤座
身高 体重


Dmitri Shostakovich 德米特里·德米特里耶维奇·肖斯塔科维奇 介绍:肖斯塔科维奇1906年9月25日生于圣彼得堡,是苏联最重要的作曲家之一,也是当代世界著名的作曲家之一。他的创作遍及各种音乐体裁,特别是15部交响曲使他享有20世纪交响乐大师的盛誉。此外,他还培养了大批苏联当代著名作曲家,深受苏联人民的喜爱。1975年8月9日卒于莫斯科。 by Blue Gene TyrannyA Russian composer of orchestral-choral, opera, chamber, symphonies, and vocal and piano music. Like Prokofiev, Shostakovich was a highly visible and harshly criticized composer. Often in peril from the Stalinist regime and the advancing German armies in WWII, he nevertheless became the last (for now) great symphonist, producing a style that expressed ironic humor (his ninth symphony), or had vast epic qualities (the fifth, seventh, and eleventh symphonies), or had a tragic and desolate visage (the tenth symphony). His melodic sense developed from the warm, rich, and even sweet qualities of the Preludes (24) for Piano -- which skillfully employ Russian folk song modality and magnificent characterization, updating classical techniques -- to the bare, large-interval skips of the later works. At times, Shostakovich was able to reach the public with the most modern of his works (the tragic opera Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk (1934), widely popular in the Soviet Union and Europe until the press came down on it.) He was one of the most courageous of composers.


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