姓名Nicolas de Angelis 别名暂无
国籍法国 出生地法国圣克罗德
语言纯音乐 性别
生日1953-11-26 星座射手座
身高 体重


世界著名吉他大师尼古拉·德·安捷罗斯(法),深厚的古典风格,融有多種音乐表现技巧,美婉浪漫的旋律,滋润着人们纯情的梦,充满了诗的意境。 尼古拉·德·安捷罗斯於1953年11月26日生於法国圣克罗德。10岁左右,他开始向吉他大师葛西亚学习吉他,这位老师启蒙他对器乐的热爱,严格近乎挑剔训练,让他的成绩突飞猛进。16岁时,安捷罗斯加入一个法国最具潜力的演奏家所组成的乐园,良师益友的经验交流,他的弹奏技巧已达炉火纯青的地步。18岁开始,他替许多知名流行乐歌手伴奏,之後,安捷罗斯得到达芬唱片公司赏勒维和杜桑的赏识,他们邀请他在理查德·克莱得 博再利的专辑唱片中演出。由於他的不凡表现,最终成为达分唱片的专属音乐家。With his delicate guitar playing and impressionist compositions, Nicolas de Angelis has helped to create a new French romanticism. A classically trained instrumentalist, he's performed on film scores by Michel Legrand and Jean-Claude Petit and in the recording studio with Yves Montand, Claude Aznevour, Michael Berger, Yves Duteil, Nilda Fernandez, Enzo Enzo, and Sylvie Vartan.De Angelis has been equally successful performing his own compositions. His debut album, Quelgues Noyes Pour Anna, was certified gold a month after its release in 1981. His tenth solo album, Les Plus Belles Melodies Religieuses a la Guitare, released in 2000, featured interpretations of what he called the "most beautiful religious melodies."Born in Saint-Cloud, a west Parisian suburb along the shores of the Reine River, de Angelis studied guitar at the Paris Academy from the age of ten. Hailed as one of the new breed of French romantic guitar players while still in his teens, he was performing in Parisian cabarets as an accompanist for such French pop stars as Julian Clerc, Sylvie Vartan, and Fabienne Thibault before his 18th birthday.