He has produced and resided in rooms as well known as : ..
The bullfighter ( Pinedo -Valencia) , Spook Factory ( Valencia) , Radio9 : Bikini.Dj ( Dj Tururú ) the more mythical radio program - Valencia , 4 years golden EPOPA Bikini Club (Valencia ) , TopDanceClub Chain program TOP Radio (Radio Spain -Valencia) , ACTV ( Biar ), K. . sim ( Benicassim - Castellon) , HD Radio (Valencia ) , Albades (Muro - Alcoy ), John Wayne ( Alcoy ), Casablanca ( Alcoy ) , Apache ( Alcoy- Alicante). The Natural ( Biar , Alicante) , Indiana ( Alcoy -Alicante ) , The Megaradio (Valencia ) , Baccarat & Falkata (Playa de Gandia , Valencia) , Lima Music ( Ontinyent , Valencia) , The Millenium (Valencia ) , Bananas ( BNS- Valencia) , Party Vanity , Privilege ( Vlc ) What a mess ! (Crazy Party ) ( Vlc Akuarela Beach ) Beautiful Girls (High Cube- Vlc ) , Password ( Teruel ) Sala- Moe Bar ( Teruel ) , Seven ( Xativa - Vlc ) Tabarca Gardens ( Vlc ) ,
In his weekly work is primarily intended to prepare the sessions of the weekend besides acting as composer, music producer , author & co -author with artists , is carrying out new musical projects , produciento themes of all styles within the dance music .