姓名Survive Said The Prophet 别名暂无
国籍日本 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Takuya Suzuki(Guitar),Yosh Morita(Vocals),Yudai Kato(Bass),Sho Okada(Drums),Ivan Kwong(Guitar)

Survive Said The Prophet is a international rock band based based in the heart of Tokyo. The band formed in 2011 and quickly released a single "Let Us Party" within the same year. On may 2012 Survive Said the Prophet released self titled EP and quickly drew attention in the music industry touring and opening for acts such as Soulja Boy, Mayday Parade, Chunk! No Captain Chunk!, There For Tomorrow and more.

The band also gained fans across asia hitting main stages in Festivals such as “Rock In Taichung”(Taiwan) and “Silvermine Bay Music Festival”(Hong Kong) along with bands such as FACT, Four Get Me Not, Supper Moment,Dirty Loops, and Chochukmo.

As the music industry turns a page into its new chapter in 2014 Survive Said The Prophet is put under one of the anticipated young acts to come out from the indie scene in the heart of Tokyo.

2011年に東京にて結成。同年にシングル"Let Us Party"を発表し、2012年5月にはセルフタイトルの4曲入りのEPを自主制作でリリースし、その完成度の高さで注目を浴びるようになる。同年に開催されたBeyond The Blue (Back To Basic) でMayday Parade, There for Tomorrow, Every Avenue, Divided by Fridayなどと共演するのを皮切りに、Soulja Boy、Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!といった海外アーティストとステージを共にする。その合間に新曲"California With April"を発表。

2014年、3月に1stシングル"MeIam" 6月には2ndシングル"COCOON"を発表。
2014年、Survive Said The Prophetは日本の音楽シーンに新風を吹き込む存在として更に飛躍する