Linus Svenning相似歌手

姓名Linus Svenning 别名暂无
国籍瑞典 出生地
语言 性别
生日1990-04-13 星座牡羊座
身高 体重


For about 23 years since Linus was born at Lund hospital in southern Skane
He grew up on a farm in a small community outside Ystad named Hurva Linus has since early age had a gedi -get interest in music , as he is passionate about and in which he can most easily express their feelings ! Linus has no specific musika - lic influences, and does not like to put the music in a bin ! He likes what he likes simply !
When clinical Linus managed elementary school , he applied for a place at secondary school ' Lund Dance & Musical School " . Where he was immediately admitted after that demonstrated his talent at an audition.
Linus was really just a " fun thing " because he did not think they could educate themselves in music, but that music was something that came from within !
Unfortunately, he never got the chance to be proven wrong , because he and his family suffered a great tragedy that contributed to the interest in music were put aside , and the guitar was forgotten on the shelf.
To many people's joy knew Linus After a period of mourning that he was missing an important part of his life , ie his music! The dusty guitar was taken down from the shelf, were sued up , and once again he wasaterorenad with the most natural tool to be able to express themelves !
Linus often sat and wrote their own songs, and sometimes he even sang them up for their closest friends. Most often they were impressed so much that , on numerous occasions tried to convince him to get on with the music, and try to take it to a professional level .
A few years ago , under pressure of the surroundings Linus decided to send a demo to TV4 production IDOL !
Already in the early stages , he was however rejected from the " forhandsgranskande " jury , which did not consider that Linus had the talent " required " to participate in the program.
IAR However, the wind turned, and sudden now Idol 's casting page opinion known to Linus on numerous occasion and declared that they now want to have with him in the production.
Sadly, not Linus that this longer the way to go , and have therefore declined their participation in the program!

Linus has recently posted video clips on YouTube, where he expresses his own and others' songs in their own way, with his amazing voice.
Just after one month with effect from the time he posted his first recording he recorded at home it suddenly exploded !

Divisions , comments & number of " subscribers " increased exponentially !

In the short time he has generated over 20,000 divisions on Facebook where his official page now has over 19,000 likes with approx. 500-1000 new likes every day !

On his YouTube channel , it has been clicked more than 1.5 million times in less than 3months !

Several well-known songwriter has now woken up to Linus , and have recently been trying to get into a partnership .

If these arrangements will be or not , now is of course up to Linus who has a very strong will that outsiders find it difficult to be able to influence !
Linus is and remains "Linus" and will probably never accept to be placed or ask -treated as a "product " .

Linus sits right now and writing new material for his debut album and already has several major labels got wind of this " internet phenomenon " which offered to represent him.

As soon as the album is fardiginspelat , an extensive promotional tour in Scandinavia planned. Linus music we have really high hopes of being able to launch around the world soon!

According to us and many others , he is deemed to be already one of Sweden's foremost talents of its genre , and we at the management and booking page really looking forward to follow him on his journey !