Konstantinos Anastasiadis相似歌手

姓名Konstantinos Anastasiadis 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Born and raised in Thessaloniki. Despite the fact that no one else in his family did not deal with the song, Constantine showed off small preference to the art of music. The studies in voice for seven years (with teachers Chris Lyritzis and Akis Diximos) on guitar for eight years and solfeggio dictee for five years to prove it. The degree theory - harmony gives the young Constantine artistic bases, he, however, always restless and studied and holds a degree in music sound technology.

To 2010 o Constantine decides to participate in the TV process - talent show "X - FACTOR" and was accepted with great reviews by the committee chooses him to "live" with great acceptance by the television audience that embraces and welcomes. May fail to reach the end (participated in ten live), certainly, however, won a very important experience and above all the love in the world. An affection that will follow him and live performances in Thessaloniki and the rest of Greece but also in his first recordings titled "Puzzle" released in 2011 by the record company LYRA. Followed in the summer of 2012 hit "Closer" lyrics Nicoletta Perakis, music and production Dj PANTELIS. The single was released by Sugar Factory Records.

After completing his military service, Konstantinos Anastasiadis comeback with their new song titled "Tell Me" with music and lyrics Kyriacou Grammatikopoulos George Alexopoulos song released shortly while Constantine followed his inspiration, while writing songs for other artists .
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