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莫雅·布伦南(Moya brennan)又名玛丽·布伦南恩雅(Enya)的姐姐,爱尔兰家族乐团-克兰纳德合唱团(Clannad)女主唱音乐融合了世界音乐、爱尔兰民族音乐、新世纪音乐、圣乐、流行抒情曲风与电影音乐情境手法,"I Will Find You"(大地英豪)、"Harry’s Game"(爱国者游戏/也是福斯汽车广告歌)以及与U2主唱Bono合唱的"In A Lifetime"都是莫雅脍炙人口的灵性美声之作。 如果说Enya的音乐是寂静的爱尔兰大海,沧浪水雾,海风絮语,绵绵而深切;那Moya的旋律则是空旷的凯尔特山谷,蓝天碧野,山林梦境,玄妙而空灵。 真的很羡慕上帝将如此的音乐灵性毫不吝啬地赐予了Clannad家族,而Moya与Enya这对姐妹更是为我们编织了一个又一个美好的Celtic梦境。 我不想把Moya的音乐描绘地如何美妙,我想描绘的仅仅是她的清新自然、平易近人。是的,正是这种清新自然于我无限舒坦。她就如同一袭绿荫,清净着我被骄阳催逼的虚汗;她就如同清冽茶水,平静着我那欲望膨胀的心境。其实更多时候,我们需要的不仅是壮胆之烈酒,还有那一杯红酒,她慢慢留入心田,心烦气躁顿时随之稳定、沉淀、泛出韵红。我们需要的也不只是故作之坚强,还有那眼泪,在你最需要的时候,悄悄地挂在你脸上,分担你心中的不平。聆听Moya,我所领会的,是一种持久的感动,是一份自我的回归。她把我从世俗尘嚣中解救,令我从心灵枷锁中释放,融入自然,诸神归位。 和Enya一样,Moya的歌声美妙醉人。低声的吟唱如同魔法,往往令你无法抗拒。但是,对我而言,Moya的精彩之处绝非歌声,因为吟唱早已被旋律埋没,Moya式的吟唱完全就是旋律的一部分。音乐本来就不是一种对歌词的表现,旋律永远是音乐的灵魂。而对于Moya,个人还是最欣赏其在Clannad团队中的演绎,就这张专辑而言,似乎多少有点过于奢华(Enya也是如此,有时难免商业味)。但是,这并不妨碍我对此碟的欣赏和赞誉,如此程度的商业成分个人完全可以接受和理解,毕竟如果没有商业,你我可能永远也无法觅得这美乐的享受了。 Moya Brennan原来是Clannad团体的主唱,不过大多数人只知道Enya,其实Enya原来也是Clannad团体中的一员,只不过很早就这独立发展。而Moya Brennan之所以离开Clannad单飞主要是迫于与她的姐妹Enya比较所造成的巨大压力。她趋骛新世纪音乐的审美观——这是Enya为人错误非难之所在,这为她带来掌声也带来毁谤。在Two Horizons里,Brennan继续拥护新世纪音乐风格,正如她拥护Enya奢华的Celtic新秘主义,而这引生出她这部最精致的作品集。据The Red Violin [红色小提琴]的提示,这张唱片细述了一个在Celtic神话中用于庆典的传奇竖琴的历史。Brennan,一个虔诚的基督徒,对相关的材料作了相当长期地探研,追逐着奴隶商贩(“Ancient Town“[古镇])和一个非洲王子(“Sailing Away“[远航])的目光,直到它的凯旋归返家园——爱尔兰的Tara(“Harpsong“[竖琴之歌])。编曲偏重于多声道的歌声和键盘乐——这正逐渐成为Celtic音乐流派的标式,不过Maire Breatnach的弦乐,Martin Carthy的吉它,Brennan灵动的竖琴演奏为其注入更地道的原味。这是旋律优美的新世纪先锋的Celtic音乐中的顶级作品,Brennan协同Clannad的作品的拥戴者会在其中发现自己的挚爱,而那些被前面的描述所惊倒的人还是马上掉头为妙.When you walk the windswept hills and endless beaches of Donegal it all makes sense.Timeless, elemental and carried heavenwards in soulful breath, Moya's voice reaches out to the farthest places but still touches the soul. She sings with an angel's voice, arousing a passion in every listener. Her music refreshes and heals, exciting the senses, bringing a sense of calm to tired hearts. Always fresh, forever just a dream away Moya captures the essence of her homeland in all its cascading beauty, mystery and contradictions. Yet she sings from the heart to a world where hope, faith and joy are not just a dream. Yes, it all makes sense and there are elements of these qualities in many of the world's great singers. Yet it is astounding that her voice goes from strength to strength. She stands as an Irish icon with the world as her stage.In her music making, Moya has never been content to nestle within comfortable boundaries. From an early age she trod the boards with her father Leo in the dance halls, then became fixated with the likes of Joni Mitchell and the Beach Boys before going on to share, with her band Clannad, an enlightening discovery of the extraordinary wealth of Celtic history and melody on her doorstep.Clannad sent tremors through the world of traditional music. With Harry's Game they took the Irish language and its melodies to places that it had never been before. Top of the Pops, major record contracts and world tours. The accolades followed -Ivor Novello and BAFTA awards plus, after several nominations, a Grammy award in 1999. Their music was fresh, vibrant and progressive. Alongside all of this, Moya has developed an individuality which has already shown itself in her expanding body of work. When an artist's career can often be measured in months, hers spans decades. Through this clamorous journey, through school halls, folk clubs, festivals, discos, churches, the world's most renowned concert halls she has travelled purposefully and always focused. The power of her whispered tones and the beauty of her music touch the soul. Gently, yet persistently, her songs and her music are redefining Irish music
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