Corrado Bucci相似歌手

姓名Corrado Bucci 别名暂无
国籍意大利 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Corrado Bucci is a young italian musician, producer and DJ. He has already remixed one of the tunes from the Bocca Grande and released his magical '23 Years Old' track in 2012,. 'Brooklyn EP' is the first proper debut release out now on Rebirth !
His sound and melodies incorporate elements of hip hop, electronica, techno and jazz. The title track 'Brooklyn' is deep goodness with warm house grooves, vocal cuts and an effective loop perfectly suited for those Basement sessions we love so much. Spiritual Gift and 'Taraxacum' are more experimental, distinguished by a complex, swinging, relentlessly danceable beat, unfeasibly low bass hits and a melancholic vibe which sits somewhere between dub and classic rave.
A great welcome to Corrado Bucci !
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