Kareyce Fotso相似歌手

姓名Kareyce Fotso 别名暂无
国籍法国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Always with his guitar slung his dreadlocks wind and the traditional fabric princesses Bandjoun she wears as a distinctive sign, Kareyce Fotso is now known glory. Certainly, his musical register does not intend to popularity or populism, but the young artist made his way, especially internationally. His success has not been because of his humility. Rather reserved nature, Kareyce Fotso not spell it that when she grabbed his guitar and front of a microphone and impresses with his voice. She has another vision of mania star: I'm not a star. Star mania is taking a lot of time to appear, sometimes give a false picture. Appear to people as they wanted you to be. That's a lot of energy that we put on him. An artist is one who spends the most time in creating. This is what I am working to make every day. That's all I can do. Be a star, I can not even happen. The bling-bling, I do not know. This is certainly another school in which I have not been yet. Maybe the day I'll start to be a star, I will also lose my ability to create. I have so many things to show with my voice and with all these instruments around us that I do not have time for anything else. says the diva.
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