德国著名哥特劲旅 Hardy Fieting:主唱、键盘 Heiko Wolf:鼓手 Robert Klausch:吉他 Hagen Schneevoigt:贝斯 Rene Godde:吉他 Scream Silence 是德国最成功的独立歌特金属乐队之一,他们的音乐成功地把多种不同的风格元素融合在一起。在他们的音乐中,你可以发现旋律歌特金属的华丽唯美与的传统歌特的黑暗神秘和谐的共存,恰到好处的电子元素更使之带上了些许的 Indie 味道。 成军于 1998 年的 Scream Silence 可以说是最早的旋律歌特金属乐队之一,他们以甜美忧郁的风格甫一出道就震动了整个欧洲金属界,以至于现在最受欢迎的芬兰旋律歌特金属班霸 To Die For 在1999年出道时的取名也源自 Scream Silence 1998 年发行的单曲《To Die For》。作为一支完全独立制作音乐、由小厂牌发行,唱片出售几乎完全依赖网络和小规模渠道的乐队,SS的早期唱片发行量并不大,而且大多由网络渠道进行发售,这也使得他们的唱片几乎没有流入过中国市场,使得大多数的歌特金属爱好者仅知道有个 To Die For,知道 69 Eyes,但是知道他们的人并不多。 作为旋律歌特金属的祖师级乐队,他们的音乐有着鲜明的特点。主唱Hardy的声线既具有69 Eyes的低沉性感又有 To Die For 的忧郁华丽。而乐队的编曲无论是点缀的主音吉他,还是他们标志性的电子效果都充满忧郁的气息。Scream Silence is a German gothic metal/alternative rock band that was founded 1998 in Berlin.HistoryTheir first album "To Die For" was music magazine Orkus's album of the month. With the success of the first album, Scream Silence could go on tours with bands like Christian Death and Dreadful Shadows.Two years later the successor, "The 2nd", climbed up to be the number 1 in all European charts. On the subsequent tour they were the main band and they played in Wave-Gotik-Treffen. Without big promotion they released "Seven Tears" two years later and got excellent reviews from music magazines.In spring 2004 they founded their own record label Plainsong Records and immediately began to work on their fourth album, "Elegy", which was released on October 25, 2004. Yuki Melchert (violin) and Anika Skusa (cello) had guest appearances .On January 30, 2006 the successor "Saviourine" was finally released in Germany, and also in almost all of Central and Eastern Europe.On April 20, 2007 the sixth album "Aphelia " was released.Last album is "Apathology" released in 2008.