Freelance Whales相似歌手

姓名Freelance Whales 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Freelance Whales is an American indie rock band which formed in Queens, New York in 2008. The band consists of frontman Judah Dadone (lead vocals, banjo, acoustic and electric guitar, synthesizer, bass), and bandmates Doris Cellar (bass, harmonium, glockenspiel, synthesizer, vocals), Chuck Criss (banjo, bass, synthesizer, glockenspiel, harmonium, acoustic and electric guitar, vocals), Jacob Hyman (drums, percussion, vocals) and Kevin Read (acoustic and electric guitar, glockenspiel, mandolin, synthesizer, vocals),Freelance Whales was founded during 2008,after connecting through Craigslist and friends of friends, The band's debut album, Weathervanes, was largely composed by frontman Judah Dadone, the lyrics based on a combination of childhood memories and dream journaling, Because they're from New York, the band's name derives from that freelance atmosphere that the city has. Judah Dadone, once said: 'Everybody in New York is a freelancer of something, and we used to be too when we played in the subways', Multi-instrumentalist Chuck Criss is the brother of actor and singer Darren Criss
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