姓名Christine Dente 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


So many people have asked me,"What have you been doing?"

Well, in this moment, I am thrilled to be releasing our new CD, Voyage.

Scott and I have been working on this music for about a year. You can
read more about that on the Voyage CD page and song descriptions
page of this site.

It has been six years since we released our last project, Becoming.
Creativity seems to take a lot longer for me now. There is always so
much to do. I have been raising and teaching our 3 children, who
seem more like adults every day.

Scott has been working on other artists' records, sometimes as producer, sometimes as guitarist and sometimes as both. He teamed up with Ken Lewis to produce and play on this recording.

Scott and I have been enjoying life together as we celebrate our 20+
years of marriage. Like everyone, we wonder how the years fly by and
pray we make the most of the days. (We will be upgrading and adding
more information to this site in the next months.)

I thank you for your eyes to see and your ears to hear! What a joy to
share the gift with those whose hearts resonate with ours. May the
music ring in the deepest places of your soul.

In the grace and mercy of Christ,
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