Amalie Bruun相似歌手

姓名Amalie Bruun 别名暂无
国籍丹麦 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Amalie Bruun is a songwriter of sparse brown freckles, powerful pipes, blue eyes, and questionable judgment calls when ordering food from a menu.
The 24-year-old award winning singer and songwriter was born in Denmark, but has already put her musical thumbprint all over the map.

Singing on the streets of Berlin, Barcelona and Paris as well as working as a professional songwriter in Sweden - the “pop capital” of Scandinavia - providing material for the Swedish winner of Idols.

Presently a resident New Yorker, Amalie works on her career as a solo-artist and her talent has by no means been kept under wraps;
MTV US are eager to blog about her, the debut-EP “Housecat” spawned much interest among US major labels and she recently played live on the Fox TV show “Fearless Music”. She has rapidly become part of the higher echelons of the New York music scene and her songs have been licensed for TV shows, commercials and movies.

The music of Amalie is somewhat akin to the chilly, dramatic pop songs of Tori Amos, but with an urban attitude and a ragged coolness that is reminiscent of smoke-filled alleyways, run-down rock clubs and of 60s icons like Nico and Francoise Hardy.
Amalie plays the glockenspiel, guitar and piano with clear, yet forceful vocals, unmistakable ear for catchy melodies and adventurous take on style and arrangement, playing everything from chair to coffee beans.

The brand new single “Branches” has just been released through the young Copenhagen based indie pop label EasyTiger

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