姓名Dustin Wong 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Dustin Wong is a Chinese/American guitarist formerly active in the art-rock band Ponytail and a former member of the experimental guitar duo,Wong's style is characterized by influences of surf rock and John Fahey. Wong was born in Hawaii and grew up in Japan[1] (although he is half Chinese, half American). Together with Matt Papich he formed the duo Ecstatic Sunshine and released two albums. Wong left Ecstatic Sunshine in 2007 to fully focus on Ponytail and solo projects. Wong's first solo record is set for a June 2009 release on Wildfire Wildfire and is entitled Seasons. Wong published a second solo-album Infinite Love in October 2010. A 40-minute piece cut into 15 tracks and then re-done on a 2nd CD. This instrumental release appeared on Thrill Jockey. After releasing the record he went on tour in Europe. Although Dustin Wong had announced that Whartscape 2010 in Baltimore, Maryland would be the last Ponytail show, a new album was announced. The band released their third full-length album, titled Do Whatever You Want All The Time, in April 2011.However Ponytail broke up on September 22. 2011.
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