Oriental Showcus相似歌手

姓名Oriental Showcus 别名暂无
国籍韩国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Band oriental show and Caicos (Oriental Showcus) are formed in February 2014 and a steady live performances.
Willing to express their expansive band and giving pleasure to people called "oriental show and Caicos (Oriental Showcus) 'Curse of the show should pursue such a wonderful and exciting musical shows and the circus heunggyeopgo a compound word of the Show and Circus.
Ska music unique and exciting merriment brass and rhythm! Colored vocals! The band naahganeun to the public in a variety of colors, only their performances.
The oriental show and Caicos always heunggyeopgo jeulgeopjiman lighter musical efforts and not always ready and willing effort always to the audience without losing the freshness of both the music and fun.
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