Ashlee Keating相似歌手

姓名Ashlee Keating 别名暂无
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Ashlee is an 18 year old native of Southern New Jersey. She is a Pop Recording Artist, songwriter, dancer, and guitarist with a style of her own! Her natural abilities to sing, dance, and act shined through at a very early age. Her professional journey began at the age of 3 when she was cast on AL ALBERTS TV SHOWCASE (ABC-TV Philadelphia, PA) as a featured regular soloist. She also appeared in all their live concerts. Her acting debut began at the age of 4 when she was cast as “Molly” in a full production of ANNIE at a local theatre. She went on at the age of 5 to be cast as “Gretl” in THE SOUND OF MUSIC” on Broadway and in the National Tour with Richard Chamberlain.

Ashlee’s road to success has continued over the past several years. Some of the highlights have included being a Guest Star on Elizabeth Stanton’s Great Big World in 2012 (Associated Television), playing the leading role of “ANNIE” at the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia, and being selected over several thousand applicants to appear on CBS’ nationally televised show STAR SEARCH where she was a weekly episode winner.
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