姓名Marcy Each 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


She’s a simple, laid back, Iowa kind of girl. Along with gardening, doing laundry, and loving on her husband and three kids, Marcy Each writes and sings songs that bring you back to what matters most.

And what matters the most to Marcy is her God. His story. His church. Being a pastor’s kid and a pastor’s wife, Each has always felt like church was home. She has always been willing to serve not only as a worship leader, but also as a Sunday school teacher, small group leader, and custodian.

In 2012, Marcy was nominated for a Dove award as both a songwriter and an artist. She was also named the female artist/writer of the year at GMA Immerse 2013.

Jennie Lee Riddle produced Marcy’s latest work titled, Walk Me Home. Many of the songs were written with her songwriting community, People and Songs. It’s a country gospel record put together with the intention to bring people back home. Home to the place where God wants them to be. For Marcy, that means pulling weeds, hanging up clothes to dry, reading books to her kids, and kissing her husband...and once in a while, giving you a taste of that sweet, soulful voice and an honest song.
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