姓名Victoria Riba 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


That in Victoria Riba is a talent that goes beyond what is quickly detected Alejandro Sanz, home videos impressed with the young Tiana (Barcelona) was hanging on YouTube. Although who actually played the role of discoverer of Victoria was a fellow institute daughter who became his manager, John Estrada, who was the one who finally put young emerging artist Alejandro Sanz contact.
That was how Victoria Riba became Sony Music, which his talent did not go unnoticed and with which he signed for a career that promises to take her away. There are the songs from their debut album to prove it,a combination of romance and soul power to serve his captivating voice.It is a time of great hope for me, but also respect.I take a big step,but it's what I always dreamed,says Victoria.
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