姓名Teresa Cristina 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


The Cultural Box today introduced Nov. 12, at 20 pm, Teresa Cristina, a leading samba voices today, ending this year's edition of Samba Bamba project accompanied by conductor and violinist Paulao 7 Strings. Tickets are already sold out!

Teresa Cristina's career began in the late '90s with a show in honor of the Seed Candela Bar, which just naming your band. The critical recognition came with the recording of their first CD The Music of Paulinho da Viola (2002), a tribute to the 60 year old singer, who surrendered to Teresa Rival BR and TIM Award music award as a singer revelation, and nomination Latin Grammy Award for best Disco samba 2003.
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