Katia Guerreiro相似歌手

姓名Katia Guerreiro 别名暂无
国籍欧美 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Katia Guerreiro,1976年出生于南非,很小的时候就到了Azores(葡属亚述尔群岛),一直到18岁,在这段日子里,她喜欢上了音乐,并在当地的一个民谣乐团中演唱和演奏。1994年她回到里斯本攻读医学学位。在校期间,她加入了学校的乐团,一个偶然的机会,她和朋友进到一个Fado之家,在朋友的怂恿下演唱了一首歌,征服了全场听众和音乐家。2001年,她应邀参加了电视直播的在里斯本体育馆举行的向Amalia Rodrigues致敬的音乐会,演唱了几首Amalia的歌曲,受到了全场观众最热烈的欢迎,从此一举成名。2001年,首张专辑问世,并获得2002年José Afonso奖提名。Katia Guerreiro (born South Africa, 1976) is a Portuguese fado singer.Early yearsBorn in South Africa to Portuguese parents, Katia went to the Portuguese Azores islands when she was still a child. In 1994 she went to Lisbon where she studied medicine at the University of Lisbon.Her first contact with music started in the Azores where she played the traditional instrument of the islands, "viola da terra" (typical instrument of the island), in a folk group of São Miguel Island.In Lisbon she founded a musical group of students where she played and sang and also integrated a rock band with music from the 1960s - "Os Charruas" - as their lead vocalist.It was with all her musical friends, from folk to the rock band, that she found Fado. It was in 2000 in a concert in the Coliseu de Lisboa in memory to Amália Rodrigues that she embraced her career in Fado.Her first album, "Fado Maior", was edited in 2001. This album went on to become a silver album and was nominated to the José Afonso Prize. It was edited in Europe by Empreinte Digitale.In 2003 "Nas Mãos do Fado" ("In the Hands of Fate"), her second album, was once more nominated for the José Afonso Prize. In this album she sang the poetry of most important names in Portugal such as Luís de Camões, Florbela Espanca, José Carlos Ary dos Santos and António Lobo Antunes.In October 2005 Katia released her third album of originals, "Tudo ou nada" ("All or Nothing") which included poems by Vinicius de Moraes, Sophia de Mello Breyner, António Lobo Antunes among others, as well as of Katia herself. Bernardo Sassetti played the piano in the song "Minha Senhora das Dores".
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