Shanna Crooks相似歌手

姓名Shanna Crooks 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Recording artist Shanna Crooks is that rare talent that freely crosses musical boundaries to create a sound and style uniquely her own. Her dazzling blend of pop, rock, and soul, performed with extraordinary heart and enthusiasm with a voice that is confident, strong, and truly individual. That distinctive style brings vibrant life to self-penned songs like “Wakin' Up To Love” her digital single, featured in Clean & Clear’s 2009-2012 national TV campaign songs that are a lot like Shanna her ownself, rich with exuberance and yearning, alive with character and experience.It’s not really the fame that I yearn for,” says Crooks, it’s the respect. I set a big goal for myself when I got into music. It was that someday I would be a respected songwriter and vocalist. That when someone hears my name, they quote a lyric I wrote, or sing one of my melodies that’s moved them. I feel that’s the biggest compliment any artist could get.”
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