姓名Alex Highton 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


"Frankly it's a real boost to discover a genuine world class practitioner who restores your faith in the genre..." Tom Robinson BBC6Music

"laid-back but infectious songcraft..." - Time Out

"....an old-fashioned troubadour in the strictest sense. Strumming gentle folk songs on his guitar, his warm and soulful voice conjures up memories of sun-kissed summer nights out on the lawn." - London Metro

In a nutshell its like this: Liverpool boy moves to Cambridge via University in London. Writes and records songs chronicling his move from the city to the country, with wife and two girls and somehow gets the attention of Hollywood superstar Ashton Kutcher, amongst others.

Debut album "The Woodditton Wives Club" is recorded and will be released on The Local Label on 24th Feb 2012.

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