姓名Chantal Acda 别名暂无
国籍比利时 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重



Chantal Acda (b. 1978) has worked under the Sleepindog moniker since 2006, making three affectionately received albums; 'Naked In A Clean Bed' (2006), Polar Life (2008) and, most recently, ‘With Our Heads in the Clouds and Our Hearts in the Fields’ (2010), in which she worked closely with Adam Wiltzie (Stars of the Lid, A Winged Victory For The Sullen). They toured the UK and Benelux with Low.
At the same time, she was a constant on-stage presence with Isbells.
After all this, it was time for her first real solo record. Playing in various formations had made her conscious of the patterns that we all, as humans, share in. So she sought out kindred spirits with whom she might record an album filled with freedom and intensity, and who were conscious of the patterns we so often fall back on.
Nils Frahm was the first of these to cross her path. The German pianist reaches in and touches with his intense records and adventurous performances.
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