姓名Cheyenne Kimball 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别
生日2009-01-01 星座
身高0 体重0


有的时候你不得不承认宣称走在时代前面的80后的一代,也落伍了,cheyenne kimball就是一个例子。1990年才出生的Cheyenne Kimball,今年才16岁,16岁的她就在人才辈出的音乐界展露头角了,这让我们这些80年代的人,怎么说好呢。羞愧还是不已为然?不管怎样,Cheyenne Kimball确实有超越自己年龄的魅力和天赋。;
2006-07-11发行了个人首张专集[The Day Has Come],走的是流行摇滚风格。初听的第一感觉,让人想到Avril,风格非常相似。作为Avril的晚辈(Avril都是80年代的),不知道是否有意借前人的光环。当然Cheyenne Kimball还没有达到Avril那般的个性,那般的豪放不羁。也许是在尝试吧,作为歌手应该有属于自己的独特风格,才会不至于昙花一现。
Singer/songwriter Cheyenne Kimball wrote her first song at age eight, but it was to get out of trouble. Kimball had been sent to her room after making a mean remark to her older sister, thus composing an apology of sorts entitled "All I Want Is You." The Texas-born Kimball immediately began pouring her heart into her craft, writing nearly every single day. By age 12, she learned the acoustic guitar and amassed nearly 200 songs. Those years also honed Kimball's natural talents as a performer; she booked her own shows at local nightspots throughout north central Texas. America took notice of Kimball's earnest charm and sweetness in 2003 when she took top honors on the NBC show America's Most Talented Kid. Sony/Epic Records was equally impressed and signed her to a multi-record deal that same year. From there, Kimball began writing and recording her debut album. Bassist Brad Smith and guitarist Christopher Thorn, formerly of Blind Melon, joined in on Kimball's recording sessions in California. This was a dream come true, for Blind Melon's self-titled debut was a major inspiration for the young artist. As Kimball worked on balancing her life as a normal teenage girl with the responsibilities that come with being a major-label recording artist, MTV chronicled such transitions for the Cheyenne show. The reality program aired in spring 2006, generating more buzz around Kimball's debut album and first single, "Hanging On." Kimball's song "One Original Thing" was also featured on the soundtrack to the teen movie Aquamarine. Her long-awaited debut album, The Day Has Come, followed in July.
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