姓名Dynamic Duo 别名暂无
国籍韩国 出生地韩国
语言韩语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Dynamic Duo is a Korean hip hop duo, made up of members Choiza and Gaeko. Unlike the rough and off beat sound of their past group, CB Mass, Dynamic Duo changed their style to a more audience-friendly sound with a brighter ambiance. They debuted with the album Taxi Driver, which was released on May 17, 2004, and it became the best selling hip hop album in South Korea that year recording 50,000 sales in its first month of release. Their second album, Double Dynamite - Operating Manual won them their first Best Hiphop Album in the prestigious Korean Popular Music Awards in 2005. After their success, they formed a record label named Amoeba Culture. Gaeko and Choiza have expressed distaste at the recent surge in "radio-friendly rap musicians like Cho PD and MC Mong" and they have tried to maintain credibility by limiting their work to appearances at clubs, concerts, music videos and cable TV whilst avoiding TV appearances which are popular in Korea amongst musicians striving for commercial appeal. They have released five albums to date
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