Porcas Borboletas相似歌手

姓名Porcas Borboletas 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Since modernism that talks about cannibalistic culture here in brazilian lands. This mix of Brazilian music had its apex with the Tropicalia movement, when the intransigent youth occupied the stage of festivals and revolutionized the MPB. Caetano, Gil, Tom Zé and Os Mutantes were ahead of their generation and are, to date, the national reference pop. This movement remained fertile in Brazil called Rock eighties when groups like Hasdrubal brought Trombone and Titans led to cannibalism to the stage and records. Electric guitar, concrete political poetry, voodoo, balloon, urbanity and gathered the works of artists who aimed through his work the yearnings of his time.

In the nineties Karnak and Pato Fu are the most important representatives of this mixture, which was responsible for universalizing Brazilian music and make ears from the outside then return to the Land of the Holy Cross. David Byrne, Beck, Devendra Banhart, Sean Lennon and Manu Chao are some of campaigning for Brazilian music there from the outside.

The decade ended with Los Hermanos opened and the boom of great independent bands singing in Portuguese. Ludov, pullovers and Electronic Brain continue raising the flag of cannibalism and a highlight of last year, closing the cycle of excellent productions, draws attention for reviving a style that remained from hibernating when the Titans began to tread a path and more grunge Guelder and moved away from concrete poetry: the Ride hard, the band mining Wing Nuts, ranked among the top lists of the year and reached a presence in discussions about the best of the decade.
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