姓名Human Race 别名暂无
国籍韩国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Human Race韩国歌手,2010 韩国形成 ,活动类型男|集团 ,活跃的风格岩石 ,风格独立摇滚(独立摇滚),The date 2010
Formed Korea
Activity Type Male | Group
Active Genre Rock
Style Indie Rock (Indie Rock)
Chapter members re-transmission , choeminsu , Transactions of
The human race is Japanese music band to receive official notice of the popular pop band who had acid "Be My Guest" from drummer chapter retransmit "and ," Ann, Weeper, JADE " former bassist of the band , such as " choeminsu 'and no members of this illustrious only one seductive voice was no history of vocal ' Transactions of ' consists of .
The formation of the human race Transactions of the singer 's voice in early 2011 fell in love with a bunch of drum making packing material coming in after the band was formed choeminsu bassist and music are already a team with a reputation and the ability to sense in 'Every Single Day' of the other jeongjaewoo the list of activities and visiting Tokyo.
The human race is that everyone is bearing the pain , large and small , regardless of the time and place of the people over the music , and sometimes wit approached able to withstand the pain stimulus was obtained suggesting in to be able to give the impression that the motto was formed to leave .
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