Graziella Schazad相似歌手

姓名Graziella Schazad 别名暂无
国籍德国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


She plays violin guitar like other people. Cross in front of the abdomen, without the bow. That this is unusual, it does not fall on probably, it suits her. Graziella Schazad is a walking contradiction. A classically trained musician puts her from childhood studied piano, violin and guitar at the service of her voice and her songs occasionally backed vokalakrobatisch with beat-box. A singer-songwriter, the Beastie Boys or Jungle Brothers is one of their favorites, and you, not against the genre habits that will never see an acoustic guitar on stage one and a half hours straight. Presumably it would be boring. There's too many things in her talent, but also stories.

"I have the urge to be on stage. I do, since I can remember, and I want the unconditional. I belong to go there. "If Graziella Schazad says that it does not sound arrogant, rather almost a little quiet, but without losing its persuasiveness. She is one of those people you want to immediately open his heart: Winning friendly, with open eyes and ears open for his opponent.
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