姓名Maria Lucia Heiberg Rosenberg 别名暂无
国籍丹麦 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
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Maria Lucia Heiberg Rosenberg,欧美歌手,演唱的歌曲有《Lad Det Ske》,收入在专辑《Let It Go The Complete Set (冰雪奇缘 动漫原声带)》中,Maria Lucia's professionalism impresses all who work with her. She strives for perfection and cramming like a small detail for hours. But terpene Ministry applies only to the musical.

The school was not just for Maria Lucia, she only went up in the few subjects that really interested her. And it was also a lack of interest in music theory, which caused her to drop MGK this fall.
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