姓名beth orton 别名暂无
国籍欧美 出生地
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生日 星座
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从Rickie Lee Jones、Nick Drake的民谣听到80年代的曼彻斯特摇滚队伍 The Stone Roses,生性内向的Orton总是在自身的生活经验与人际关系中寻找真实的情感素材,90年代初期,伦敦弥漫acid house节奏,Orton也跟着到舞池呼吸潮流,还与电子音乐奇才William Orbit合作专辑,随后,又切换音乐类型,为爵士乐团Red Snapper的专辑客座演唱,95年为Chemical Brothers的首张专辑「Exit Planet Dust」献唱Alive: Alone,乐界开始注意到这个清新女声。96年加盟Heavenly音乐厂牌与Victor Van Vught (Tindersticks, Nick Cave)、Andrew Weatherall (Screamadelica)等制作人合作处女大碟「Trailer Park」,专辑流露出民谣音乐超强的感动力量 ,‘失魂落魄之后'的称号就从传媒之间开始扩散,97年与民谣/爵士传奇大师Terry Callier合作的EP「Best Bit」为她赢得全英音乐奖最佳英国女歌手与最佳英国新进歌手的提名,同年再次为Chemical Brothers冠军大碟「Dig Your Own Hole」献声,99年与Everything But The Girl团员Ben Watt、Mazzy Star团员David Roback、Ben Harper、Dr John、Terry Callier合作专辑「Central Reservation」,好评之声从英伦传到美国,娱乐周刊乐评推崇为惊人之作,Orton也获邀加入Lilith Fair女性摇滚音乐祭 的巡回阵容,2000年夺下全英音乐奖最佳英国女歌手头衔,并获得‘ Mercury音乐大赏‘的年度专辑提名,‘Mercury音乐大赏'的评审称赞Orton 为‘心碎歌声之后',2001年持续扩散唱作才情,与前Smith吉他手Johnny Marr同台演唱。身为Chemical Brothers专辑客座主唱班底的Orton曾在99年为音乐怪杰Beck专辑「Midnite Vulture」来一首‘Beautiful Way'。2002年7月发表的大碟【Daybreaker】,Beth Orton的民谣伤情张力有更深刻、更真切的展现,吉他声、弦乐声跟她的歌声都互相沾染着彼此的感伤情绪,不断的浮现出怅然若失的感觉,这样沉重的情感表达多少与Orton刚经历丧母之痛有关,尽管有来自于Chemical Brothers与Everything But The Girl团员Ben Watt细致的意境铺排,但Orton朴实的歌声才是一切感动力量的聚焦点,她将民谣音乐的蓝调成分拉到最高点,2002年葛莱美奖3项提名才子Ryan Adams与Orton合唱首支单曲‘Concrete Sky'听似写意,却潜藏着失落的思绪 ,Ryan跨刀执笔创作的‘OK'则是绝望、伤痛、孤单的蓝调恋曲,‘Paris Train'、‘Mount Washington'等歌曲都可听见Orton更胜编曲意境的情境杀 伤力的嗓音特质,Orton还在‘God Song'中与前辈Emmylou Harris一较民谣 蓝调唱功,Johnny Marr则在多首歌曲中贡献吉他才情,William Orbit则为‘Think About Tomorrow'担任混音。民谣音乐听似轻描淡写,但却蕴藏无限动人情愫的特质完全在【Daybreaker】中表露无遗。 Singer/songwriter Beth Orton combined the passionate beauty of the acoustic folk tradition with the electronic beats of trip-hop to create a fresh, distinct fusion of roots and rhythm. Born in Norwich, England in December 1970, Orton debuted as one half of the duo Spill, a one-off project with William Orbit which released a cover of John Martyn's "Don't Wanna Know About Evil." She continued working with Orbit on his 1993 LP Strange Cargo 3, co-writing and singing the track "Water From a Vine Leaf" before appearing with the group Red Snapper on their first singles "Snapper" and "In Deep." In 1995 Orton teamed with the Chemical Brothers for "Alive: Alone," the ultimate track on their Exit Planet Dust LP. After assembling a backing band comprised of double bassist Ali Friend, guitarist Ted Barnes, keyboardist Lee Spencer and drummer Wildcat Will, she finally issued her 1996 debut EP She Cries Your Name; her stunning full-length bow Trailer Park, produced in part by Andrew Weatherall, followed later in the year. In 1997, Orton released the superb Best Bit EP, a move towards a more organic, soulful sound highlighted by a pair of duets with folk-jazz legend Terry Callier; the full-length Central Reservation followed in 1999. "Stolen Car" was a moderate hit among college radio and tours across the U.S. were also successful. Three years later, Orton emerged refreshed with her third album Daybreaker. This time around, she collaborated with ex-Whiskeytown frontman Ryan Adams and the Chemical Brothers. In early 2006, Orton released her fourth album, Comfort of Strangers. The 14-song set was recorded in two weeks with producer Jim O'Rourke.
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