姓名Ruby Frost 别名暂无
国籍新西兰 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Ruby Frost (born Jane de Jong) is a pop singer-songwriter from Auckland, New Zealand. After winning the nationwide MTV 42Unheard competition[1] in 2009, Frost signed with Universal Music NZ and began work on her debut album. Since then, she has been working with a range of producers in Australia and the U.S., and also won the Grand Prize for the Pop category in Section I of the international 2010 John Lennon Songwriting Contest,[2] with her song 'Hazy'. In 2010, Ruby Frost travelled to the U.S. to perform at The Viper Room and play at two CMJ showcases, and she also travelled to Brisbane to perform at Big Sound 2010. Her parents run the annual Christian Parachute Music Festival in Hamilton, New Zealand.
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