Jezzabell Doran相似歌手

姓名Jezzabell Doran 别名暂无
国籍澳大利亚 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


The world is just now discovering the warm, soulful voice of Jezzabell Doran via her collaboration with 21 year old electronic wunderkind producer Flume, but the Australian vocalist and songwriter has been practicing her craft since the tender age of 4. After an impromptu performance in an airport terminate drew a massive crowd around the young girl, Jezzabell’s father began taking her busking to nurture her natural talent and encouraged her to pursue a career as an artist, which she was clearly destined for.

Jezzabell also discovered a gift for songwriting and has penned dozens of songs over the last decade. As a teenager, she formed Anthony for Cleopatra with her then boyfriend Jesse Donovan and Harley Streten (aka Flume). While the project was short lived, it did birth the song Sleepless, which was later sampled by Flume for his hit of the same name. Flume’s expert chops of Jezzabell’s voice are prominently featured in his version of Sleepless, and since it’s release, the track has become an instant classic thanks to dozens of remixes from producers across the globe, helping to introduce Jezzabell to an international audience.

Next up for Jezzabell is is set to release her new EP featuring remixes and the original of the hit song Sleepless. Jezzabell has stripped it back to melt people in its original form, with its beautiful use of acoustic guitar and soulful vocals. The focus of the EP however, is the Sleepless remix by Vanshe Tech, an incredible Australian producer who has given the song a more dance orientated feel that will have you singing in the shower, in the car – you just won’t be able to get it out of your head!

Later this year, Jezzabell will release her second EP. Not content to be a cookie cutter pop star, she is aiming to showcase the wide variety of styles and influences that have shaped her as an artist. She’s also collaborating with an unnamed producer on a genre mash-up project for later this year. 2013 is shaping up to be a busy time for Jezzabell Doran, but when was that not the case?
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