Eleni Mandell相似歌手

姓名Eleni Mandell 别名暂无
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生日 星座
身高0 体重0


Eleni Mandell 一个以Tom Waits为偶像的唱作人,来自美国LOS ANGELES的漂亮女人。她的嗓音很散很散,因为受到 Tom Waits的影响,她的音乐显得很慵懒,慢慢的节拍,简单的曲调。一点烛光,一把吉他,一些器乐伴奏,疲疲倦倦的样子,完全一种很轻松,幽闲,并且幸福的音乐。这样的音乐能够让你在下班,下学的路上美美的小息一会,放松的身体,幽闲的大脑,让这散漫的音乐围绕。一种生活的享受。
Miracle Of Five是Eleni Mandell 的第六张专辑,封面上一个人的手去追寻缺失的那颗心,正是本张专辑名字的由来。这张专辑可以说是Mandell目前职业生涯里最好的一张。开场曲Moonglow, lampe low融合了Mandell令人愉悦的声线和漫不经心的吉他以及悠闲自在的萨克斯。Girls通过器乐的合奏释放出犹如磁场一般的吸引力。 幽默的Making-out King则表达了Mandell对于这个肤浅的、着迷于谣言和错误谴责的社会的看法。也许有些乐迷不喜欢Mandell此种类型的音乐,但毫无疑问的是在她所在的音乐领域,Mandell的才华超越了许多人。
Drawing heavy influence from Tom Waits, Los Angeles hipster Eleni Mandell initiated a recording career with art-cool albums packed with her gritty, noir-ish sketches. Mandell, who was a huge fan of L.A. punkers X growing up, was raised in the Sherman Oaks region of the San Fernando Valley, and began performing out during her years as a student at Berkeley. Soon after, she fell under the mentorship of Chuck E. Weiss, the Tom Waits hobnobber (and subject of Rickie Lee Jones' "Chuck E's in Love"). In 1998, she self-financed her first release, Wishbone. The album spurred the Waits comparisons as well as comparisons to P.J. Harvey. Her next two albums, Thrill and Snakebite, continued the mode of torchy cool, but 2003's Country for True Lovers saw a shift in Mandell's muse to classic-country tunes. Inspired by such trad-country classics as Tammy Wynette's Your Good Girl's Gonna Go Bad (1967), Mandell enlisted producer and former X guitarist Tony Gilkyson, whom she had met through Weiss. The effort, recorded in a mere two weeks with a host of L.A.'s top country-rock sessioneers (including former Lone Justice drummer Don Heffington), featured a mix of originals and covers by artists such as Merle Haggard.
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