姓名Hotel Morphée 别名暂无
国籍加拿大 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Five years. It's time than expected Morpheus Hotel before going big. Years of performances but also patient experimentation recluse. Time to become more than the sum of its parts. Time plaiting habits classical training and jazz of its members and to speak with one voice. Time to get rid of pop reflexes of the commonplaces of the song.

Hotel Morpheus finally book Ghost stories, a decidedly rock debut album demonstrating the assurance of those who have long taken the art. Under the supervision of director Philippe Brault (Pierre Lapointe), the foursome sways easily between insistent electronic structures, melodies and introspective winter and rock marking the cadence emergency. If multi-instrumentalists bind more easily to the nervousness of Radiohead or the ingenuity of St. Vincent, yet it is the search for Alison Mosshart inner drives them further on these new parts.

Eleven songs of passage. Of failed love stories; friendships everywhere. Regrets that choke; incandescent dreams. Of people we know, sensual and rebellious and gnawed by doubt, looking for something that takes on the thin line between authenticity and loss of control. Ghost stories.
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