姓名Billie Piper 别名暂无
国籍欧美 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


看过第三届世界杯女足的朋友们,一定会对杯赛主题曲“我为我爱”(Because We Want To)留下深刻印象,它的演唱者就是英国新崛起的“甜蜜小天后”比莉(Billie)。比莉来自英国南部Swindon,16 岁的她却已拥有了所有歌手梦寐以求的成绩,她所发行的首支单曲“我为我爱”(Because We Want To) 以黑马之势登上全英单曲排行榜冠军,并且被选为第三届世界杯女足的主题曲,不少音乐界人士都认为她会在不久的将来在流行乐坛上大放异彩!这位曾作为英国最著名的偶像杂志Smash hits上百万英镑广告代言人而一鸣惊人的她,早在8岁时,就参加了玛当娜的纪录片《IN BED WITH MADONANA》的演出,并曾在英国电视连续剧《Eastender s》及邦·乔维的电影中客串演出。清秀的外型,邻家少女的形象,深得所有英国媒体及歌迷的青睐。在天王偶像团体Tak e that幕后制作精英的强力企划下,首支单曲“我为我爱”(Because We Want To)一推出就登上流行排行榜冠军位置,成为英国近30年来最年轻的单曲榜冠军得主。相对于“我为我爱”,在首张专辑《你的甜蜜》(Ho ney To The B)中的其他歌曲,同样也有令人激赏的表现,第二支单曲“Girlfriend”(女朋友),绝妙的R&B曲风,全然少女怀春的清新风格,同样地一上榜就登上冠军位置,颇有与前辈Spice Girls、All Saints一较高低的气势;“She Wants You”(她需要你)复古的Funky曲风,更是让人不由自主地跟着摇摆;“Honey to the B”(你的甜蜜)的动人抒情,是首媲美All Saints “Never Ever”的抒情佳作;“Love Groove”及“Party On the Phone”的摇摆情绪等,比莉在演绎歌曲上完全没有新人的青涩,自然展现出过人的演唱实力。by Charlotte DillonIn 1998 a 15-year-old female singer named Billie Piper took the United Kingdom's music scene by storm with her hit single "Because We Want To." When the contagious pop song found a number one spot on the charts, it made Piper the youngest solo artist to reach that goal. Her second single, "Girlfriend," also started out with a tight hold at number one. Billie Paul Piper was born and raised in Swindon, U.K. Her first audience was a bedroom mirror. She spent hours singing to it, dancing before it, following along with songs from legendary pop/rock artists like Madonna and Janet Jackson. When Piper was eight-years-old, she joined a local theater company called Sixth Sense. She soon started working in television, landing roles in both a series and in a number of commercials. Before her tenth birthday, Piper was selected to attend London's Sylvia Young Stage School. She might have stayed in acting, but a spokesmodel job for a pop music magazine changed her professional direction, bringing her in contact with scouts from Innocent Records, a subsidiary of the major label Virgin Records. The company quickly signed the 15-year-old talent, and only months later Piper had a hit debut single playing on radio stations. A full-length album, Honey to the Bee, followed within that same remarkable year. The debut album went platinum, and earned Piper the nickname Pop Princess.To the disappointment of fans, it took two years for a sophomore album, Walk of Life, to appear on the England market. In no time Billie Piper's music was on the charts again, with singles like "Something Deep Inside" and "Day & Night." She hopes to spread that same success to other countries, including the United States and Canada. When not recording Piper spends her energy touring through, and even squeezes in a little acting now and then.
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