Soledad Bravo相似歌手

姓名Soledad Bravo 别名暂无
国籍西班牙 出生地
语言西班牙语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


1943Soledad Bravo 出生在西班牙的Logrong,但她很小的时候就随共和党的父亲全家一起离开欧洲来到委内瑞拉,在委内瑞拉Soledad开始了新生活,感知南美热带氛围的文化习俗。 1967年,她开始在委内瑞拉中央大学学习建筑学,心理学和文学,在学习期间,她开始唱歌并用歌曲来诠释西班牙著名诗人Garcia Lorca的作品,她的表演给委内瑞拉一个很有影响的新闻记者Sofia Imbers留下了深刻的印象,由此Soledad获得了每天早上在电视节目上演出的机会,并开始了她的歌唱生涯。 1968年SOLEDAD录制了她的第一张专辑 "Soledad Bravo Canta”,立刻获得了巨大的成功,此后她参加了很多重要的国际巡回演出,赢得了很多观众的喜爱。 1969-1971年,SOLEDAD录制了两张南美流行和民间歌曲专辑,其中包括了拉美新歌运动中一些领袖人物的作品,包括阿根廷的Atahualpa Yupanqui、智利的Violeta Parra等,人们开始认为她的作品是有局限性,她依然冷静地回复她的听众,她只会唱那些她的心告诉她应该唱的歌。 70年代中期,在发行了出色的双CD现场专辑后, SOLEDAD参加了在秘鲁利马举办的Agua Dulce音乐节,她充满感情的歌声传播到了更多的地方。 70年代末Soledad她与西班牙著名的Flamenco吉他演奏家Manolo Sanlucar 出现在西班牙的国家电视节目上,受到了西班牙观众的热烈欢迎,Soledad深受感动,她在西班牙停留和演唱了4年时间。在西班牙期间她演唱了西班牙诗人Rafael Alberti最好的诗歌,Alberti也加入到她的录音工作中,把文学历史用音乐重新做了优美的记录。 80年代她录制了安大路西亚的犹太歌曲专辑,获得了国际上的称誉。此后,她改变曲风,尝试热带的节奏和歌曲,在纽约,她录制了以加勒比海地区民间歌曲为素材的专辑,她出色的演唱技巧与极富感情的歌声,同样让这一类的专辑获得了成功,人们在她的歌声中感受到阳光与欢快的摇摆节拍。 这个出色的拉丁天后录制了30多张个人专辑,是一个非常出色的音乐家,她的某些过去发行的专辑,至今还排在各国音乐排行榜上。她在世界各地演出,与世界各地杰出的音乐家合作,被称为拉美地区的音乐大使,她是拉美歌手中唯一一个涵盖各种演唱风格的歌手,从美丽的诗歌到风格多变、独特的拉美演唱风格(委内瑞拉的民歌、阿根廷的探戈、墨西哥的Bolero、墨西哥的Ranchera(墨西哥传统民歌)到古巴的Son或者非洲——爵士等等)她都能在歌曲中出色地表现出来,让听者置身与南美绚烂的风土人情中。虽然已经是60岁的老人了,她还依然活跃在歌唱舞台上,2003年还发行了《homenaje a alfredo zitarrosa》专辑。Spain-born and Venezuela-raised Soledad Bravo has been one of the leaders of the nueve cancion ("new song") movement that swept through latin America in the '70s and '80s. Although equally proficient at singing traditional and popular songs, Bravo made her greatest impact as a protest singer. According to Billboard, "her voice is an exceptional instrument." The Diario, a newspaper in Madrid, claims "her voice captivates you, the range is so wide and its strength is amazing." Bravo, who inherited her political convictions from her father, emigrated to Venezuela with her parents at the age of seven. While attending the Liceo Rafael Urdaneta, she began singing with a group. She continued to sing while studying architecture, psychology and literature at the Central University of Venezuela. Shortly after her graduation in 1967, Bravo was hired to perform every morning on a television show Buenos Dias. She remained on the program for years. Her debut album, Soledad Bravo Canta, released in 1968, included her interpretation of Carlos Puebla's tribute to Che Guevera, "Hasta Siempre." Between 1969 and 1976, Bravo continued to focus on the songs of Latin America, releasing three commercially successful albums and touring throughout Peru, Argentina, Chile and Mexico. In 1972, Bravo recorded a double-album, En Vivo, featuring songs of the Spanish Civil war. Four years later, she was invited to perform in Spain. An appearance on Spanish television, with accompaniment by flamenco guitarist Manolo Sanlucar, helped to make her a nationally known artist. During the four years that she remained in Spain, Bravo recorded several albums including one with Spanish poet Rafael Alberti in 1977, and a collection of songs of the Spanish Jews, Cantos Sefardies, that received a Grand Prix Du Disque award in France. Switching her attention to the tropical repertoire, Bravo traveled to New York to record Caribe, produced by salsa musician Willie Colon. Four years later, she recorded a self-titled album with accompaniment by Eddie Gomez, Airto Moreira, Paquito D'Rivera, Jorge Dalto, Ray Barreto, Yomo Toro and Spyro Gyra.
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