姓名Kate Voegele 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰
语言英语 性别
生日1986-12-08 星座射手座
身高 体重


Kate Voegele来自美国俄亥俄州是一位创作型歌手,特别擅长弹吉他.她于2006年10月签约加入MySpace唱片公司,旋即创作并录制了音乐事业中的第一张专辑.
Kate唱歌很有张力,而且还是一位创作型女歌手,会唱歌、会创作歌曲、会弹吉他、还会弹钢琴。风格有点Kelly Clarkson的味道。不知道大家是怎么看的。
Kate Voegele这个美国新晋流行女歌手
kate的歌Only Fooling Myself
在展现了一些天赋之后,kate voegele迈出了她年轻的音乐生涯中的下一步——在2006年10月,她与Myspace唱片公司签约。
刚一签约不久,这个富有美国本土气质的,才华横溢的小妮子与著名的音乐制作人Marshall Altman (Matt Nathanson, Marc Broussard)在工作室里一起制作了她的首张专辑。12首单曲洋溢着kate voegele类似Patty Griffin 和Joni Mitchell富有激情的演唱风格;充满了流行/摇滚的气息,有点Sheryl Crow 和 Michelle Branch的感觉;所有歌曲都糅合了当今乐坛的音乐风格和词曲创意。这张专辑于07年春天上市。
凭借着比她身材高两倍的嗓音(美国佬就是幽默^_^),年仅19岁的kate在最近两年里的一场场富有活力的演唱会上令她的听众着了迷!歌迷们称赞她非凡的创作水平。她的巡回演唱会在Summerfest的许多地点举行, SXSW,两个连续的农场援助音乐会,和一系列包括结局和蓝调小屋在内的酒吧演唱会,kate最近进入了纽约歌曲创作大赛的决赛,她在CMJ期间从4000名参赛者中脱颖而出,完成了这个任务。
KATE另外令人羡慕的荣誉包括:在早些年她凭借《Only Fooling Myself》这首歌赢得了美国创作大赛的冠军,在the Cincinnati Reds 和 New York Knicks games这两个地方演唱过美国国歌,和KATE同台献艺的艺术家包括:Dave Matthews, John Mayer, The Wreckers, Howie Day, John Mellencamp, Mindy Smith和 Jamie Cullum。
女人在摇滚| 2004 sxsw
Kate Voegele是来自俄亥俄州海湾村,创作的歌曲和演奏吉她的选择
2004年 参加了农场援助音乐会
2005年 和(Dave Matthews/戴夫马修斯)(Willie Nelson/威利纳尔逊) Neil Young和John Mellencamp同台献艺
2005年2月 出版个人专辑“Louder Than Words”。
单曲的"Only Fool Myself"已成为CBS的电视剧(Clubhouse)插曲.
Kate如今巡演的Band成员有Patrick O'Donnell (鼓手),MarkTobilk(贝斯手和萨克斯风),和Andrew Sorenson(键盘),而Kate的老爸Will Voegele负责演奏电吉他
She has been recognized as one of the premier pop singer/songwriters in music today. And, after showcasing for several labels, Kate Voegele has taken the next step in her young career, signing with Myspace Records in October 2006.
Immediately after inking the deal with Myspace, the talented Cleveland native stepped into the studio to record her debut album with renowned producer Marshall Altman (Matt Nathanson, Marc Broussard). The 12 track album combines the acoustic soulfulness of Kate’s influences like Patty Griffin and Joni Mitchell, with the pop/rock feel of Sheryl Crow and Michelle Branch, all while maintaining a level of musicianship and lyrical originality that is unusual in today’s music scene. The record is slated for a spring ’07 release.
With a voice twice as big as her stature, the 19 year old Voegele has dazzled audiences over the last two years with a dynamic live show, which compliments her stellar songwriting abilities. Her live resume consists of spots at Summerfest, SXSW, two consecutive Farm-Aid concerts, and dozens of club shows at venues including The Bitter End and House of Blues. Kate was also recently chosen as a finalist for the New York Songwriter’s Circle, where she performed during CMJ, and was awarded first place out of over 4,000 applicants.
Currently a sophomore in college, Kate has already experienced more than most musicians could dream of, but is by no means content at this level.
Additional accolades for Kate include earlier this year winning the USA
Songwriting Competition with her song “Only Fooling Myself,” as well singing the National Anthem at both the Cincinnati Reds and New York Knicks games. Kate has shared the stage with musicians that include Dave Matthews, John Mayer, The Wreckers, Howie Day, John Mellencamp, Mindy Smith and Jamie Cul
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