姓名Tyler Bryant 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Tyler Dow Bryant (born February 24, 1991) is a musician from Honey Grove,Tyler got his first guitar at the age of 6. When he was 11, he sold the dirtbike his parents had just given to him for Christmas and bought his first electric guitar, a red Epiphone Les Paul from Hollybond's Music Store in Paris, TX. While still in elementary school, he met Roosevelt Twitty, a 63-year-old bluesman from Paris, Texas. Mr. Twitty taught Tyler how to play the blues.At 13, Tyler and Mr. Twitty started playing shows around Texas. This was the age that Tyler also started writing songs. Tyler performed at the 2011 Austin City Limits Music Festival.
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